All About Artificial Intelligence in One Training

Online and in Arabic language 
Internationally Recognized Certificate 


  1. High school. 
  2. ​English language skills: A2 or higher. 
  3. Basic computer skills, including performing various tasks using a computer . 


    2 months (3 lectures per week)



    Arabic and English 



    3 hours





    Start Your Journey in AI Programming Professionally! 

    As it has become a part of our daily lives and is considered one of the most important and in-demand high-paid professional fields in Europe and worldwide, prepare to learn the fundamentals of artificial intelligence from scratch and step into the world of programming. 

    You don’t need any prior knowledge in the AI field or a high level of English proficiency. We will assist you in gaining a solid and practical understanding of artificial intelligence concepts in Arabic using simplified methods. 

    This training course provides an educational program that prepares you to engage with artificial intelligence easily and quickly, enabling you to understand and discuss the field confidently. 


    Job Vacancies


    Average Annual Salary

    Learning Plan

    Artificial Intelligence Tools

    Engage with the essential tools and platforms for modern AI development, ensuring practical skills alongside theoretical knowledge. 

    Branches of Artificial Intelligence

     Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, and Generative AI. 

    Artificial Intelligence Concepts

    Fundamentals of AI programming and a comprehensive understanding of the field, including defining AI and its real-world implementations across various industries. 

    All Mystro Foundation programs are AZAV accredited in Germany and Europe.


    Training Hour


    Graduates in The Labor Market


    Employment Rate

    Why Mystro? 

    The first and only certified educational institute in Germany that provides a high-level of AI training programs in Arabic language by an elite group of internationally accredited Arab trainers. 

    Tangible results through executing practical projects and daily monitoring by the training team

    Enhance your resume with an internationally recognized certificate

    Engage and ask questions in your native language to ensure the best results with certified Arab trainers

    Achieve your occupational goals faster and reduce years to just a few months

    Our students & graduates say

    Obie Mohammad


    The scientific content is excellent, useful, and well-linked to the work requirements. It is very important for everyone who wants to develop himself and help in the practical application of projects

    Mohamad ghayth albata


    The trainer’s method of presenting the scientific material is simple and direct. We were given the opportunity to participate as a virtual team in the practical part of the training as well as in the project implementation.

    Seba alnouma


    The academic content is excellent, useful, and well-linked to job requirements. The course is very important for everyone who wants to develop and help in the practical implementation of projects

    Loran Youssef


    Mystro ist eine sehr sehr gute Akademie. Ich empfehle jeder der in Programmierung Bereich geht. Ist Top

    Mehyar Farzat


    Mit Mystro bist du auf dem richtigen Weg, denn es ist die beste Wahl für dich, wenn du daran interessiert bist Programmieren zu lernen. Modernes Ausbildungsniveau, fachkundige Trainer, exzellentes Management

    Mohammad Ghnim


    Die ganze Team sind ausgezeichnet, hilfbereit und super nett. Der Lehrer erklärt uns alle Informationen im Details und wiederholt immer gerne beim Bedarf. Danke Mystro

    Danny Nasra


    Gut organisiert , gute Lehrer und schöne Erfahrung würde ich weiterempfehlen

    Najat Taha


    The teacher explains very good. The team are also very nice. It was a very good experience. Thanks Mystro

    Frequently Asked Questions: 

    What qualifications are required?

    High school. 

    Basic computer skills, performing various tasks using the computer (accessing the internet, writing using Notepad or Microsoft Word, creating simple budget spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel, …). 

    Can I enroll in the training program while I am outside Germany?

    Certainly, you can enroll from outside Germany, as anyone around the world can join our training program to learn the field professionally and obtain an internationally recognized certificate. 

    Program Objectives:

    1. Acquiring knowledge and skills in artificial intelligence. 
    2. Building a basic understanding that helps in learning technology field. 
    3. Enhancing employability in various fields related to artificial intelligence technology. 

    At the end of the program, you will have:

    • Information on the fundamentals of artificial intelligence programming and a comprehensive understanding of the field. 

    • Knowledge in specialized disciplines such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, and Generative AI. 

    • The ability to deal with tools and platforms for modern artificial intelligence development.